There isn't a word for that, is there? It's a big thing though isn't it? I have not been a father for 46 years, I'm not even sure that I'll be a father as long as that! And as life events go, this is probably number one. Definitely top three however you look at it : first time having sex, being a father and being born. What else is there that is THAT awesome. Nada. So going back to my first point, if I look at these three awesome moments of life, before birth there is gestation and I you are a foetus, before first time sex you are a virgin, so it's only fatherhood that doesn't have a description for the prior state. Ahhh you say, but there is! In all true deductive logic there is a word that describes the state up to fatherhood : for the first 46 years of my life, I have been a son. And what's sooooo special is that if for the other two awesome life-moments each state stops instantly as soon as the next one kicks in, with the father/son duo, you're still a son even after you become a father. That's nice. So anyway, the point here is that tomorrow we might be having a permanent guest, all fragile and cute, taking up a big part of my life that so far was unfilled. Strange to think that I still have so much room in my life : it seems pretty full already. This is VERY exciting. AND I get to know if it's a boy or a girl. Finally