Right now I don't think it's that important, there's still not much going on really. I mean there are thing's happening : Delphine is getting a bit cranky sometimes. That's OK, I know that's going to happen. She's also tired a lot more, she want's to sleep all the time, knowing that she loves to sleep anyway, I'm basically living with a sleepwalker by day and a log by night. She also has had some morning sickness spells. And some midday sickness spells also. And a few evening sickness incidents on top of that. She's been puking quite a bit and feeling sick about 5 times a day in fact. I've been getting a lot of "your son is a pain in my uterus" and "if I am sick much longer I'll freeze your son until he's born". That doesn't make any sense but it's her way to vent. We've worked it out though : if she eats every two hours, she doesn't feel sick. I'm sure this is in a book though. We need to benefit from thousands of years of experience and not work everything out ourselves. So I'm buying a book on how to get through 9 months of pregnancy.

Oh, you might have noticed, Delphine is sure it's going to be a boy. I quite hope it's going to be a girl, first because girls adore their fathers, second because her cousins are boys and so it'll be new for the whole family. We can have boys later.