The time is right now for another paper or else you will all look elsewhere for your moment of wit, search the net for another (not so good) bloger, sigh a sigh of "oh well it was good while it lasted" and forget all about it. I want to tell you about my new toy. This new toy is awesome. I've wanted it for 4 years and I've resisted, I've made excuses, I've found substitutes, I've ignored it, denied it, scorned it but the attraction has never left me, the tingling sensation that I suppressed has now blossomed into this beautiful radiance, this glow of bliss. I'm telling you I look ridiculous right now. You must have guessed what my new toy is : it's an iphone :-) I have to tell you, I've never had a child (by lack opportunity not because I don't know how to make one I must state) but I bet it feels something like this... I'm allllll over it, downloading Apps, buying magazines, searching the net for recommendations, dreaming about it at night... my girlfriend feels neglected... How long can this last? I don't know, I just want to enjoy it while it lasts. And meanwhile revolutions are happening. I will take the opportunity to wish all dictators a fruitful Facetime with their people (sorry iphonosis is a well know disease), don't really wish them to get Ceausescu-ed but will really be pleased that they have their day in court in the ICJ. And a note to GW Bush and his fans, this is the only way revolutions work : home grown, not imported. Strength and good fortune oppressed people of the world.