not in the religious way or in expressing my gratitude but in the "gesundheit" way, you know, as an automatic response to an uncontrolled outburst. And I'm happy about the whole exchange cause I know that the person feels better now that it's out. 

Now some people get more specific with their wishes "I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". There's a little more effort gone into those, a little, not a lot, but you get points for coming out with a full sentence.

SO, what do I propose then? Well you're definitely getting wishes of the 3rd kind (that's up close and personal, like with the aliens).

Firstly then I wish that your 2011 be fun, it's especially important for the French amongst you. Yes because the French are the most depressed of any nationality and more fun will get you happier, you'll swallow less (legal) drugs and you'll feel much healthier. 
Then I wish EVERYONE of y'all plenty of good sex (emphasis on good), especially for the married amongst you, because we all know that you're getting less than us singles. Good sex gets us back to the happy & healthy thing again. Though it seems that right there I've put my finger on some sort of contradiction : you could hastily conclude that the French might be depressed because they're not getting enough good sex... and we all know that that's not possible!!!
A final wish : that whatever project you will decide to undertake, that it will fulfil you.
PS : Best Wishes and Gesundheit to you all !!!