: everybody at the same time. Like a wedding announcement or for a birth. We could have had a grouped e-mail or send out cards or had a telephone marathon or... but nobody I know has ever done that. Have you ever received a card telling you someone was pregnant? I haven't. Anyway we had decided to not say anything until the first ultrasound, make sure everything was OK before going public. But then there's the theory and then there's life's situations.

The first announcement was only a few days after we had decided NOT to say anything. Delphine was with colleagues having lunch and the conversation went to who was pregnant in the agency and how so many were or had been pregnant and who hadn't been pregnant yet and when Delphine was going to be pregnant and... well she cracked. "I am pregnant" she said not wanting to say she wasn't when she was...

The second announcement was a couple of days after that. Delphine's best friend has for the last few months always started conversations or get togethers with "Are you pregnant yet"? ... you guess what happened.

These things should go in some sort of order, based on importance or convention : your closest family should know first, then your closest friends, then your other friends and finally your colleagues. There's also your employer that needs to know quickly, for legal reasons, before your colleagues I guess. In our case, the order is reversed, at least on Delphine's side. On my side I managed to keep disciplined. Which means that everyone on Delphine's side new about the pregnancy when I hadn't even announced it to my parents :-)